Buhari’s Anticorruption War: The apt panacea to Prebendalism and Dysfunctionality in Nigeria

PREBENDALISM, you just might not know it. Scholars provided an apt explanation: “occupants of public office at all levels felt that their positions entitled them to
unbridled access to public resources with which they not only satisfi ed their own material needs but also serviced the needs or wants of subaltern clients…

This kind of criminal diversion of public resources for selfish private ends starved the polity of funds for development, increased poverty and inequality, and
intensified an unhealthy rivalry and competition for public office that triggered pervasive instability. The crippling consequences of dysfunctional governance are
experienced in all areas of life in Nigeria. There is a fundamental contradiction between prebendalism and the provision of efficient public services. Can prebendal
attitudes toward governmental office ever change and, if so, how?

In 1987 Cambridge University Press, published a book, Democracy and Prebendal Politics in Nigeria. The stigma as contemplated in the publication thirty-five years ago
are still valid postulations The Buhari Administration’s choice of Anti-Corruption as one of its cardinal agenda is a timely important decision to confront an issue
that has dented the image of the country and its citizens world-wide.

Corruption in Nigeria is a national tragedy that created a terrible image for the country and all the citizens. Indeed, many people, Nigerian citizens and foreigners
alike can’t imagine that Nigeria has some good men and women who can do their jobs in public or private sectors, honestly, honourably and professionally with

Th is is a sad commentary on a nation with our potentials – human and material. It is therefore time to emphasize moral and ethical consciousness in our national aff
airs from education to politics and governance. It is lack of conscience and genuine patriotism, character, virtue and integrity that have been the syndrome that has
been undermining our progress and development over the years.

No nation can survive under the governance of leaders that lack sense of honour and decorum. “Men of character are the conscience of the society to which they belong,”
said Ralph Waldo Emerson. Nigeria’s irreconcilable political elites have left the impression of Nigeria as a nation at war with itself as they engaged in politics of
expediency. It is time for reflection and decision on which way Nigeria?

Like James Madison we should ask “Is there virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks – no form of Government can render
us secure. To suppose that any form of Government will secure liberty or happiness without any form of virtue in the people is a chimerical idea”.

Thus, American Founding Fathers “rightly saw that without a people of character there could be no trust and justice, and thus no true community or stability. No true
pursuit of happiness. What benefits the whole, benefits the individual as well”. Hence, “there is no freedom outside of character”. Liberty as Montesquieu said “is
not freedom to do just as we please. Liberty is the ability to do as we ought. And the freedom we need is not the freedom of caprice and whim and listening to our
impulses. It is the freedom that enables our eyes clearly to see what right is and then empowers us to do it”.

PMB’s Zero-tolerance for corruption has been on record since he started holding public offices. President Buhari is a symbol of Values. Character, and Behavior as well
as Personality type. Character, the wise say, is destiny and moral character refers to the assemblage of qualities that distinguish one individual from another.

Today, developing a more positive national character has equally become a necessity. We know that change is a process not an event. but PMB pursuants of Nigeria
Spartan Citizenship should acknowledge that social engineering involves political strategization and ethnocentric consideration.

We know he has been neutral in his fi ght against corruption by finding capability in ex-military colleagues who are also northerners and muslim, such as Sambo Dasuki
and Jafaru Isa.

As the anti-corruption fight is ongoing, the need to be watchful of fi fth columnist is very important. For an instance, many board members and international designated
appointees are to date apologists of the past regime 10 months after change of power. The propensity for cover-ups and destruction of facts is very high when possible
culprits remain in office.

The PMB anti-corruption fight is needed to direct the nation aright and to put the true testimonial before us. The change mantra is predicated on the true performance
of the past to chart a paradigm shift for progress in future.

Thus, American Founding Fathers “rightly saw that without a people of character there could be no trust and justice, and thus no true community or stability. No true
pursuit of happiness. What benefits the whole, benefits the individual as well”. Hence, “there is no freedom outside of character”. Liberty as Montesquieu said “is
not freedom to do just as we please. Liberty is the ability to do as we ought. And the freedom we need is not the freedom of caprice and whim and listening to our
impulses. It is the freedom that enables our eyes clearly to see what right is and then empowers us to do it”.

Zero-tolerance for corruption has been a mantra of sorts for President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB) since he started holding public offices. President Buhari is a symbol of
Values, Character, Behavior as well as Personality type. Character, the wise say, is destiny and moral character refers to the assemblage of qualities that distinguish
one individual from another.

Today, developing a more positive national character has equally become a necessity. With a seething Nigeria-phobia in several parts of the world, we should consider
character development measures for our citizens especially the youth. For us the impression may be wrong, but the consequences are real. As one sage said, “Deciding to
become a man of character means choosing to live a more disciplined and less selfi sh life”.

PMB practices what he preaches because its also on record that his national service at all levels from Federal Commissioner to head of state and even chairman of PTF
has been without blemish. This justifies his dogged determination to cure Nigeria of corruption. It will be national disservice for PMB to look away from the endemic
corruption of the PDP days. 16 years of fiscal recklessness and impunity.

From recent revelations, the unimaginable dimension of corruption in our country is truly a prescription for Socioeconomic stagnation Evidences are plenty to show that
PDP’s version of Authority Stealing” truly pass armed robbery

The political neutrality and ethno-religious fairness of PMB’s anti-corruption war must be acknowledged and commended. The Victims of the war thus far comprises of
many from this constituencies. In Olushola Saraki (APC affi liation) Col Sambo Dansuki (Carrier affiliation and ethnoreligion affiliation). Alhaji Jaffar Issa (APC
affiliation, Carrier affiliation and Ethnoreligion affiliation) The social–stature of these examples is note–worthy. Th e Methodology of compliance to the rule of law
in this war against corruption is also fantastic. Th e war is premised on the law taking its course. On all facets PMB’s anti-corruption war is on point.

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