Looking at a half glass of water, a pessimist will see it half empty while an optimist will see same as half full. This is the reality of the polarization of Nigerians on Buhari’s administration thus far. Positive Mind Approach to life issues has proven to be the appropriate stand-point in most cases over time. The essence of this note is to provide positive perspectives on this administration as hope stimulator for Nigerians to march along with PMB to a better Nigeria despite the challenges of our time.
A positive fundamental of this administration is the introduction of the Treasury Single Account and with this TSA, all payments into any commercial, microfinance or mortgage banks can be traced right from when the payment is approved, who approved it, what the payment is for, when it was paid, it if was taxed, and so on. This positive fundamental is a big blow on corrupt practices in the public sector. With TSA, FG can tell which of its agencies are compliant with its budgetary allocations and which ones are not. Government is able to tell which sectors of the economy is faring well and which are not, and be able to determine the fiscal actions to remedy negative situations.
Another positive for this administration is the curbing of the fraudulent attack on the payroll system with false employees (ghost workers) by civil servants. By this, the government therefore strengthens its payroll by fighting these fictitious people through staff’s verification
A note-worthy positive of Buhari’s administration is that it has been able to subdue the activities of the militant Islamist group (Boko Haram) terrorizing the peace of the nation by causing havoc through a wave of bombings, assassinations. Despite the threat by this group, the Nigeria Army under this leadership describes their threat as baseless.
The positives has changed things under Buhari’s administration. The present administration has been able to instill fear of looting public funds by political leaders. This government is interested in fighting corruption to its barest minimal in the nation. They ensure that anybody involved in corruption, irrespective of who he or she is, is penalized. This consciousness is a positive development in our public sphere.
A positive of this administration in its effort to make Nigeria a producing nation. The government has encouraged its citizens to patronize locally made products and is trying everything within its jurisdiction to ensure the change is worthwhile. This will definitely boost the development of the county, if citizens patronize made in Nigeria cars, fabrics, clothing, shoes , even food items and other products
Since this leadership took over power, the court trial has not been concentrated on the opposition party alone but it has been observed that even the members of the ruling party have faced trials. This therefore has shown the unbiased nature of this present administration to fight against corruption, irrespective of the personality. Also the rulings have not all been in favor of the ruling party which used to be the norm with previous administrations. Although humans want is insatiable, as the government policy may not be favorable to all but most importantly the interest of the people should be paramount to the government, since it is a democratic rule. Can you feel the change?
Growth in agriculture and solid mineral is a notable positive of this administration. Our priority Sectors of Agriculture and Solid Minerals have seen improved performance, in spite of the recession. Agriculture grew by 4.11% in 2016, while Solid Minerals recorded a 7% increase. The contribution of the Ministry of Solid Minerals’ to the Federation Account tripled to about N2 billion in 2016, up from N700m in 2015.
In conclusion, multiple positives can be itemized for this administration but the Grazing Colony Program stands out as a reflection of the administration’s zeal to modernize a traditional animal husbandry style.
It is mention-worthy that this edition is indeed a perspectives panorama in view of the quality of interviews featured.